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August 11, 2009

Where's The Debate About Health Care?

I just can't help myself from commenting on the so-called health care "debate" going on. My idea of a debate is where two reasonable, articulate people present compelling arguments on two sides of a question. From my perspective, there's little debate on the health care issue - it seems more like a partisan slug-feast where the only criteria for getting into the discussion is to be wackier than your opponent.

I confess that it seems to me the real crazy suggestions seem to be coming from the conservative side of the discussion, but read more like a dysutopian nightmare than actual potential concerns that need to be addressed as we make changes to our broken health care system. I can't imagine that these kind of bizarre suggestions are actually helpful in advancing the discussion, and the headlines do little to show any Republican leadership on the issue.

Posted by pgutwin at August 11, 2009 12:25 PM


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