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July 1, 2009

Country, Religion and Freedom

The Iranians are in a pitch battle for the soul of their nation. Their desire for "freedom" - to choose how to live collectively as a nation - is deep, but is different than the western concept of freedom. Now with the media spotlight off the struggle comes the dark, difficult time for Iranians. The easy euphoria of mass demonstrations has come and gone, and now the passion, commitment and sheer force of will to make a change has to take hold - if it does take hold. The powerful will not easily release their grip on what they control. It must be pried out of their hands. That is something we in the US only have a distant memory of - hundreds of years ago.

There is little the west can do to "help" - this is not about us, it's about the Iranians and only they can resolve it. What we can do is watch, respect their work and sacrifice, and pray.

Posted by pgutwin at July 1, 2009 10:00 AM


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