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June 15, 2005

My Last Adventures

Only 1.5 days left in Jordan! Now that I don't have to pretend I am studying, I have been using this week to enjoy the rest of Jordan before I am forced to return to the States.

Saturday and Sunday I went to Tamara's university and got to see where she goes to school. It was kind of boreing because she had tests so I basically sat around for 2 hours waiting for her. However, the nicest thing was being able to sit by myself without the family around! I also met some of her friends and realized she hangs out with some pretty sketchy boys. Although the way men have been acting around me lately makes me think that maybe I do look like JLO and just haven't realized it yet. I just wish they would leave me alone for once.

On Monday Annie's Aunt Besma took me to their olive farm outside of Jeresh. It is basically just a field full of olive trees but it was nice. There is one family that they have hired to tend the trees and we got to see their cute little girl and their goat. It was nice. After the farm we went to Jeresh (the city) and ate in a restaurant there. We also tracked down the store I bought some earings from earlier this year but then lost one. Now I have 3 just in case. :)

Yesterday (Tuesday), Annie, her brothers Laith and Omar, her cousin Quise, and I went to the Belad (downtown) for the last time. In just over an hour I purchased a thobe (a traditional dress), a present for my mother, a dishdasha (the man-dress), and a present for Sean. Oh, and a new suitcase! My little suitcase is within the carry-on limits so I got a new big one so I can take all of my other stuff home. Why not when they cost under 10JD! The thobe I got is pretty cool although it is machine made. It is pretty traditional with just a red and black design with some lighter pink thread to accent it. It was pretty much the only one that fit me well because they come one-size fits all and that one size is an XXXXL. Now I just need to find somewhere to wear it. . .

After the belad, Tamara and I went to Lebnani Snack in Swafiyah. We then proceded to walk around looking at all the clothes and Tamara trying them on even though she knows she only has 2JD to her name. It's definitly annoying and I know I am up for more today, so wish me luck.

Tonight I have a going away party at Mike's house (the program director). It should be fun to see everyone that is left once last time. And there will be lots of good food! Mmmmm, ba'lawa!

Posted by rcollins at June 15, 2005 6:36 AM

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