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September 4, 2006

Family Canoe Trip

floodwood.jpgDesipte foreboding weather, my family and I headed to the Adirondacks this Labor Day Weekend for our desired-annual canoe trip. Owen, Bruce, my mom, and I drove to the launching site on Friday evening, preceeded by my grandparents, Uncle David, and cousin Christopher. Karl and Becca were soon to follow, and we managed to get all the tents set up and everyone fed not too much after my ideal bedtime.

Even though it was supposed to be cold and raining, the weather was actually quite pleasant. We experienced a bit of moisture as we were heading to bed on Saturday night, as well as a light drizzle around dinnertime on Sunday. It was nothing compared to the sideways-driven rain we usually encounter. Thus, there was a disappointing lack of excitement on this canoe trip, although a couple of bees decided to make my vacation a little more memorable. The first bee that stung me--three times--was a little bit understandable, since I paddled up a stream about two feet from where his deceitfully-hidden home was. However, the second attack from an entirely different bee that came a day and a half later was thoroughly confusing. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning with a stinging, throbbing finger, only to discover that a bee had stung me in my sleep! I either said something in my sleep that offended him, or he was some distant relative of the first bee who wanted to seek revenge. Either way, it was not a nice thing to wake up to.

All in all, we had a great trip: the weather was much better than expected, we got a campsite on the island and relatively quiet neighbors, and we created some memories that aren't likely to disappear anytime soon. Hopefully we'll be back again next year!

Posted by rgutwin at September 4, 2006 8:19 PM


We missed Anna and Kismet...well...not as much Kisi - definitely Anna!

Posted by: mom at September 6, 2006 9:22 PM

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