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January 13, 2013

No Warning

I've recently received a couple small items for work (headset adapter, new keyboard), and despite the old ones working well enough, I fell into a frenzy to get these two installed in the 20 minutes I had before my first conference call. bike.JPG I should have been paying more attention.

I purchased a new bike computer, and it arrived on Friday. I didn't feel in any hurry to do anything with it, given the less than ideal riding weather. However, on Saturday morning I again noticed the package and decided to just see what was in it. The documentation was all on a CD, and the only thing in the package was a "quick start" guide and the "Safety and Product Information booklet". I quickly thumbed through the safety part, noting that I should exercise caution regarding my health and safety by not programming the device while driving, consulting a physician before significant exercise changes, etc., etc..

So I received no warning for the strange events which then unfolded. After unpacking the device and noting the software requirements, I loaded the new programs on my computer and plugged in the device. I was greeted by the message "no data to upload". This was not OK of course, so I needed to collect some kind of data. I considered just walking around with the device but rejected that option as weak. Within minutes I was dressed and rolling down the ice-covered driveway to collect some "data".

In the end it was a nice, although wet and cold ride. I would have appreciated some kind of warning like: "Caution - new electronic bike gadgets should only be opened in suitable weather conditions." That would have been helpful.

Posted by pgutwin at January 13, 2013 9:15 AM


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