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April 28, 2008

Unfinished Business

I have unfinished business with my father, but sadly the time has passed when it could have be completed. It would be fruitless to list all the things left undone and unsaid. It would be a waste of our time to write down and then read the bits and pieces of a relationship. It's never complete - that's why you keep at it, to keep it going.

Oh I suppose that it's interesting to the casual observer to read a list out of the unfinished business, big and small, of that interrupted relationship. But to those tight by the thing, it's impossible and useless to attempt to explain all the loose ends. Each detail is wonderful, painful - like the infinite palate of a picture that we love, but appears just quirky or maybe even jarring to those outside.

So now there will be things unfinished to go along with the missing presence at the table.

Posted by pgutwin at 10:12 AM | Comments (0)