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July 20, 2005

What does this button do?


"You think it still works?"

Posted by pgutwin at 2:38 PM | Comments (0)

July 19, 2005

We moved, but...

Preparing for and running in the marathon was child's play compared with our recent life adventure: we sold the condo and have purchased a new house. Changing the location of one's home is always a lot of hard work - finding the right place, the move itself, settling in - are emotionally and physically draining.

But far from shrinking back from such challenges, we have made it even more complicated by:

  1. Purchasing my parents home
  2. Purchasing parents home knowing that parents are moving to the house across the street
  3. Purchasing parents home knowing that home across the street is not ready for parents to move into
  4. Moving to recently purchased home while parents are still living there

The attentive reader will have already discerned from the photo above that our stuff is still in boxes, and my parents stuff is still roughly where it have been for years.

I need to point out here that my parents are being very, very gracious. I do not think this would be possible if they were not so caring and sensitive. Despite a few (actually very few) moments of frustration, the whole process is going remarkably well.

We don't have a fixed timeline for my parents move to the new house, but it's on the order of a few more weeks. MARK I of the plan was for them to move there around the end of August. MARK II of the plan is something shorter and we're trying to decide between these two.

So, we are having an extended stay with my folks - not such a bad thing all together...

Posted by pgutwin at 6:09 AM | Comments (0)